And Release
Genesis 42:1-15 50:15-21
Jesus came not to restore the relationship between God and us but also to reconcile us to each other. The biblical concept of reconciliation carries with it the need for healed relationships.
Group Discussion. If people in your past have hurt you deeply, should you forgive them even before they ask? Explain your thoughts.
How do you release the emotional hurt?
Personal Reflection. Who is your life and past do you need to forgive? Ask God what steps you need to take toward inner healing and if possible, healing the relationship.
Joseph is enjoying worldwide power acclaim. He’s living large in the palaces of Egypt, with prestige and wealth beyond his wildest dreams. But God interrupts his life with the arrival of some hungry nomads from the north. The story of Joseph’s reconciliation with his family fills most of the remaining chapters of Genesis 42-50, but we’ll only look at selections in this study. Reading through the entire account, however will assist you in grasping the intensity of the process Read Genesis 42
1. What emotion do you see in all the people cited in this chapter from Jacob to Joseph to his brothers?
2. What does Joseph throw his brothers in prison?
Why do the brothers think they are getting thrown in prison?
3. What clues does this passage give that joseph has virtually divorced himself from his past?
In Genesis 43 and 44, the brothers- including Benjamin- visit a second time. Joseph’s identity remains hidden, but he seems to toy with his brothers, asking questions about his father and entrapping Benjamin by hiding a silver cup in his bag of grain. It’s all joseph’s plan to bring his father to bring his father to Egypt.
4. Read Genesis 45:1-15 What emotions does Joseph express in this passage?
In what ways can you identify with Joseph express in this passage?
5. What would you be feeling if you were one of the brothers?
6. Given all that has transpired in chapter 42-45, what do you learn about the process of reconciling broken relationships?
7. What does Joseph see as the purposes of his servitude, imprisonment and separation from his family?
8. How would you feel to know that all of your suffering was ultimately not just allowed by God but designed by him?
9. Read Genesis 50:15-21 Why do the brothers fear?
How do they deal with their fears?
10. How do you know that Joseph’s forgiveness is genuine?
11. As you face the challenge of forgiving and releasing, others, what do you find most challenging about the example of Joseph?
Ask God for grace to be an “aggressive forgiver” – forgiving people long before they ask.
Now or Later
Read Hebrews 12:14-15 to see what the Bible says about bitterness. What effect has bitterness had on you and on others in your life?