Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sin (Missing the Mark)

Sin (Missing the Mark of God)



Opening Scripture, Matthew 6:24

What is the Bible (Book)

66 Books

Over 40 Authors  1500 Years  Same Story

How many books in the Old Testament?

How many books in the New Testament?


What are five things that are needed to study the bible







What did we call the 4 P’s when you Study





Repentance A change of mind, such as to produce regret or even remorse on account of sin.

- To Turn From~ wrong actions


Remission of Sins: REMISSION Release, forgiveness. RSV used “remission” only in the sense of refraining from exacting a tax (Esther 2:18). Other modern translations avoided the term. KJV frequently used the expression, “remission of sins,” to mean release from the guilt or penalty of sins. Modern translations generally substitute the term “forgiveness.” With the exception of Rom. 3:25, the underlying Greek term is aphesis. Remission of sins is often linked with repentance, both in the preaching of John the Baptist (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3) and the early church (Luke 24:47; Acts 2:38; 5:31). Remission of sins results from Christ’s sacrificial death24:47; Acts 2:38; 5:31). Remission of sins results from Christ’s sacrificial death




What is Sin?

Your definition


Definition 1


Definition 2



What are somethings that are not considered Sins today by society but are biblically considered sin?


What is the first use of the Word sin in the bible?

What was the first sin in the Bible?


Why do you think it is important that we identify the things that God considers Sin


What are some of the ways people responded to Sin?





What are some Scriptures in which you see Sin mentioned?