Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Home Work for Basic Bible Study Lesson 6 Deeper Dive in Repentance


Lets Start again with the Definition of Repentance:


Steps or parts of repentance

1.     Confession- The practice of admitting one’s faults and sins to God and the ones that you have sinned against (if still in relationship with them)

2.     Accepting what’s due to you. Confession does not mean you will not be punished, if you are truly Godly Sorry you will be willing to accept whatever comes if God does not block it.

3.     Turn away from the Sin

4.     Turn to God

5.     Break the relationship you have with the Sin


What did you need or have to  Repentance from in your life? ( Will not be asked to Share)


Did you truly Repent ( look at the definition above)


What strongholds have you faced in your life?

Lets Read 2 Samuel 11:1-27

Look up any words that you do not understand

Who and What was Nathan- Please give supporting scriptures for your answer?

1.     What did David do wrong in Verse 1?


2.     What does that teach you about being where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there?


3.     Looking at Verse 2 why do you think David was able to see here?                                                   What should he had done?


4.     What did he do?


5.     How many times have you enquired when you should have turned away


6.     What Ways did David try to cover up his sin (Please write down the Scriptures


7.     How was Uriah more honorable than David


8.     Did David seem Repent in 2 Samuel 11


9.     If the wages of Sin is Death( how was this Sin Deadly in this chapter)


10.  How did hiding sin prove to be dangerous for David?


11.  What affects have you felt from hiding your sins?



Lesson 7 David Repents

Let’s Read 2 Samuel 12 Please look up any words that you do not understand

Lets look to see the steps of Repentance

1.     Confession- What verse did David Acknowledge his sins


2.     What should his punishment have been? Give the Scripture


3.     What Punishment did he receive?  Give The Scripture?


4.     How did David Deal with his Punishment?


5.     How did he turn from his sin? Compare 2 Samuel 11:1-3 and 2 Samuel 12:28-31


6.     What can you learn from David’s Sin


7.     God loved David so why do you think he still punished David


8.     If  God Punished David for Sin what do you think he will do when you and I sin?


9.     How many lives were lost because of David’s Sins?


10.  Why do you think God puts things like this in the Bible?

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