Monday, March 11, 2019

Bible Study Hand out 3-6

Home Work

Next weeks assignment is find scriptures that either support or parallel Luke 24:2,7,44-49

Also find the scripture that says who told Peter that Jesus is the Christ

Read Luke 24:44-53 

Write down what you learned from these verses

What were the things he told them to do when he departed?

Have you and are you doing these things?

Why or why not


Find the Scripture that says who told Peter that Jesus is the Christ

Matthew 16:16-17

How did we find this answer? What tools did we use


Luke 24:2- Mark 16:4


Let’s read Luke 24:1-5

Mark 16:1-7


Luke 24:44-49

Luke 24:44 (Matthew 16:21, 17:22,20:18,Luke 9:22; 18:31)

Luke 24:45(Acts 16:14; 1 john 5:20)

Luke 24:46(Hos 6:2; Luke 11:29,30; Acts 17:3)

Luke 24:47(Dan 9:24;Acts 5:31;10:43;13:38;26:18)

Luke 24:48 (Acts1:8; 1 Peter 5:1)

Luke 24:49 (Is 44:3; Joel 2:28;Acts 2:4




Read Luke 24:44-53 Write down what you learned from these verses

Ø  Jesus reminded them that he had already spoken these things to them

Ø  He confirmed the Word

Ø  He opened their minds to understand the Scripture (we need the Holy Spirit)

Ø  We should preach repentance and remission of Sin

Ø  They were supposed to stand still until they received power from on high

Ø  They stayed in the temple praising and blessing God this is how the book of Luke ended



What did Jesus tell them to do when he departed?

v  Wait for the Holy Spirit

v  Preach Repentance and Remission of Sins


Are you doing these things?


Why or why not ?




This weeks homework is  Vocabulary

Define the following words

1.     Atonement

2.     Christ

3.     Messiah

4.     Resurrection

5.     Repentance

6.     Forgiveness

7.     Remission

8.     Sanctification

9.     Justification

10.  Holy

11.  Grace

12.  Kingdom of God


Find at least 10 Scriptures that deal with Repentance

1.     __________________________

2.     __________________________

3.     __________________________

4.     __________________________

5.     __________________________

6.     __________________________

7.     __________________________

8.     __________________________

9.     __________________________

10.  __________________________



 In your words with is the Grace of God?

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